Month: August 2020

On which side of your GAP Year are you?

Everyone can experience a Gap year, at any age and a lot of people might have experienced a gap in their momentum this year. What’s a Gap Year? A Gap Year is a period of time (usually a year, but could be shorter) taken either before or after university education, to expand one’s horizons, typically by extensive travel and cross-cultural experiences. Put simply a Gap Year is a pause between two seasons. Although a Gap Year is usually referenced in the context of University studies, I believe the concept applies throughout our lives and could happen at any age. The critical distinction is this: For the year (or period of time) to be a Gap Year, it must fall between “what I just finished/was doing” and “then after I’ll be doing…”. The Gap Year is intrinsically linked to vision. Unless I know what I’ll be doing “after” the Gap Year, it’s not really a Gap Year, is it? Let’s talk vision for a moment. Vision is a picture of your life purpose fulfilled, future self, …